Alchemy is a relatively unknown spiritual tradition. Partly because it is not clear to the general public what exactly the alchemist was doing, and partly because alchemical writings are not very accessible to ‘the beginner’. Alchemists mainly passed on their (forbidden) knowledge through illustrations full of archetypes and symbols.
Most alchemists were looking for the inner gold; for God-realization. They followed a path of diligent work: of self-examination, self-emptying, purification and detachment. This process, and its result, they called the Magnum Opus (Great Work).
The MAGNUM OPUS consists of a number of phases that are characterized by a certain color. Originally, these were FOUR PHASES with the Latin names: NIGREDO (black), ALBEDO (white), CITRINITAS (yellow) and RUBEDO (red). Since the 15th century only THREE phases remained: citrinitas (yellow) was excluded by most.
The divine power at work in this spiritual process is the KUNDALINI ENERGY. Also in our part of the world, and at that time, people were aware of the special powers dormant at the sacrum. The alchemist used for this energy, among other symbols, the image of a SERPENT and a GODDESS (SOPHIA), just like the Eastern traditions.
Below are a number of alchemical emblems depicting only THREE PHASES: NIGREDO (black), ALBEDO (white), and RUBEDO (red).
The color of a completed MAGNUM OPUS is RED.
Pictured here is SOPHIA (Wisdom), a personification of the kundalini energy. Her WINGS have the three colors of the Magnum Opus. In her BELLY we see a SWORD (click here), a symbol for the purifying effect of the kundalini. The CROSS represents the merging of the polar energy channels (2=1). (Aurora Consurgens, 15th century)
Examples from Christian art
Throughout the ages there have always been initiates, artists and mystics who knew that Jesus was not born as ‘the Son of God’, but had experienced a kundalini awakening, after which he was one with his Divine Father. The Gospel writers have hidden this spiritual truth in their texts in inventive ways, including the use of imagery and wordplay (see my book). Because of the rigid attitude of the church, the truth could not be spoken aloud, but underground, through esoteric groups such as the Freemasons, it found its way onto the canvas.
THE SIGN OF THE SACRED MARRIAGE (two fingers together: 2=1) is incorporated in many paintings, in one form or another, often in combination with other esoteric symbolism. This hand gesture refers to a fusion of the polar energies/duality, and with this to a process of kundalini awakening.
FOUR PHASES: Nigredo (black), Albedo (white), Citrinitas (yellow) and Rubedo (red)
Luca Signorelli
Matthias Grünewald
Mary Magdalene, Carlo Dolci, circa 1670. The decoration on her SLEEVE refers to two kundalini symbols: the HEXAGRAM (click here) and the eight-pointed MORNING STAR (click here). Read more on Mary’s kundalini awakening in my book “Mary Magdalene, the disciple whom Jesus loved.”
Jan van Scorel (circle of). The baby Jesus and little John both stand with ONE LEG in the manger: they are one and the same person! Read about this in my book ‘John the Baptist who became Jesus the Christ’.
Michael Pacher, circa 1470. The depiction of only ONE LEG (click here) refers to the merging of the polar energy pathways (2=1).
Gerard Seghers. The HANDS of Mary refer to the awakened SPINE. The WHITE SCARF, from the PELVIS to the angel’s HEAD, symbolizes the kundalini serpent.
Niccolò di Liberatore (L’Alunno)
Mary Magdalene, Master of the Feminine Half-lengths, National Museum of Warsaw, circa 1530. The large OINTMENT CHALICE (click here), reaching up to her head, is a kundalini symbol. Mary Magdalene has experienced a kundalini awakening. Read about this in my book “Mary Magdalene, the disciple whom Jesus loved.”
Francesco Hayez, 1820.
Lucas Cranach the Elder, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, 1503. The LOINCLOTH of Jesus is a reference to the KNOT OF ISIS (click here), a symbol for the kundalini energy and the pineal gland.
Mary Magdalene, Flemish artist, early 16th century. Her extended MIDDLE FINGER (click here) refers to an awakened SPINE.
South German, History Museum Bamberg, 1757.
Michael Pacher
Orazio Samacchini
Albrecht Altdorfer, 1518. Jesus and the man next to him both make the SIGN OF SACRED MARRIAGE (2=1) with their hands.
Maestro de Perea
Luca Signorelli. The knot in the LOIN CLOTH of Jesus is a reference to the kundalini symbol the KNOT OF ISIS (click here). Read about the symbolism surrounding the BAPTISM of Jesus in my book “John the Baptist Who Became Jesus the Christ.“
Mary Magdalene, Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 16th Century.The RIBBONS on her shoulders are a reference to the kundalini symbol the KNOT OF ISIS (click here). The decoration on her headdress symbolizes the PINEAL GLAND (click here). The DOUBLE CIRCLE (chalice and lid, click here) is an alchemical symbol for the fusion of the polar energy channels (2=1).
Saint Justina, Moretto da Brescia, circa 1534. The SCARF around her waist is a reference to the kundalini symbol the KNOT OF ISIS (click here). The PINECONE (click here) on her skirt symbolizes the PINEAL GLAND. A UNICORN (click here) represents a process of kundalini awakening.
Abraham Janssens.The decoration of the gate is a reference to the CADUCEUS (click here).
Abraham Janssens. The NECKLACE and the curiously shaped CHALICE (click here) are both a reference to the CADUCEUS (click here).
Luca Signorelli. The FLAGELLATION (click here) of Jesus symbolizes the purifying activity of the kundalini.
Meister Francke, 1430.
Supper at Emmaus, Marco Marziale. The WALLPAPER is decorated with the INFINITY SIGN, which in alchemy stands for the fusion of the duality/polar energy channels (oneness).
Luca and Francesco Signorelli, 1523. The descending FLOWERS also have the four colors of the Magnum Opus.
Albrecht Altdorfer. The HAIR of Mary Magdalene is a reference to the FUSION of the polar energy channels in the head (2=1).
Josse Lieferinxe. The EIGHT POINTED MORNING STAR (click here) next to the angel is a symbol for the kundalini energy.
THREE PHASES: Nigredo (black), Albedo (white) and Rubedo (red)
Italian neoclassical school
Bernardo van Orley. The RED CORAL necklace (click here) is a symbol for the kundalini energy. John the Baptist points to the PILLAR (click here), a symbol for the awakened spine.
Giovanni Mazone. Not only Mary Magdalene, also the ANGELS have the unusual colors BLACK, WHITE AND RED. The APOSTLE JOHN (right) has hidden his face. Learn why in my book ‘Mary Magdalene, the disciple whom Jesus loved’.
Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo. Baby Jesus holds up ONE LEG (click here), this symbolizes the fusion of the polar energy channels/duality: 2=1.
Salome with the head of John the Baptist, Titian. Read about the symbolic meaning of John’s BEHEADING (click here) in my book ‘John the Baptist who became Jesus the Christ’.
Mary Magdalene, Titian.
Mary Magdalene, Leonardo da Vinci.The way Mary holds her MANTLE is a reference to the KNOT OF ISIS (click here), a symbol for the PINEAL GLAND. Her extended MIDDLE FINGER (click here) symbolizes the awakened SPINE. Her NECKLACE refers to the eight-pointed MORNING STAR (click here), a symbol for the kundalini energy.
Carlo Maratti, Museum of Fine Arts. Showing only ONE LEG (click here) symbolizes the fusion of the polar energy channels (2=1).
Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 1615.
Josse Lieferinxe
Bernardino Luini. Mary Magdalene is depicted as an ALCHEMIST. The CORD around her waist is a reference to the KNOT OF ISIS (click here), a symbol that refers to the PINEAL GLAND. Mary has experienced a kundalini awakening. Read about this in my book “Mary Magdalene, the disciple whom Jesus loved.”
Gerard Seghers
Bartolomeo Montagna (workshop of). The colors GOLD AND SILVER of Mary’s scarf represent in alchemy the polar energy channels/duality (sun and moon), which merge in the head.
Davide Ghirlandaio (school of), 1480. The shape of the SHEET with which Jesus is held up refers to the CADUCEUS (click here). The pope next to Jesus points with two fingers (2=1) to the DOUBLE CIRCLE (click here) on his clothing, an alchemical symbol for the fusion of the polar energy channels/duality (2=1).
Nicola di Maestro Antonio d’Ancona.The PINECONE pattern on Mary’s dress is a reference to the PINEAL GLAND (click here).
Jan Cornelisz. Vermeyen
Leonardo da Vinci. The PALM TREE (click here) is a symbol for the awakened spine. Read about the symbolism surrounding the BAPTISM of Jesus in my book ‘John the Baptist who became Jesus the Christ’.
Christ and the Woman taken in adultery, Altarpiece of St. Wolfgang, Michael Pacher, 1481. The decorated HEM of the dress is a reference to the PINEAL GLAND (click here).
Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti). The pattern on the ORANGE ROBE refers to the CADUCEUS (click here): the classic symbol for a kundalini awakening. The man holds his SCARF in a Y (click here), an alchemical symbol for the SACRED MARRIAGE (2=1).