The Myth
The HOLY GRAIL has been used as a motif in various versions of the Arthurian legend from the twelfth century onwards, usually as the target of a quest. Depending on the author, the Grail is either a bowl or cup in which the blood of Christ is said to have been collected by Joseph of Arimathea at his crucifixion (this is not mentioned in the Bible), or the cup he used at the Last Supper.
However, the mythical HOLY GRAIL is not a physical object, but a metaphor for a kundalini awakening. Legend has it that drinking from the HOLY GRAIL would bring healing and eternal life. These are qualities of the kundalini energy which, when awakened, purifies, heals and reunites man with God.
The famous Order of the Knights Templar, who are known to have searched for the HOLY GRAIL, also knew this. Read more about this in the article: The Knights Templar and the Holy Grail
Right: the HOLY GRAIL is in our heads. The kundalini activates the PINEAL GLAND in the middle of our head, which in turn stimulates the HYPOTHALAMUS and PITUITARY GLAND to produce hormones. The substances that are released in the brain provide an experience of ecstasy, timelessness and oneness. Yoga tradition calls this influx of hormones and opiate-like AMRITA, the drink of immortality.
The alchemist secretly worked on the magical Elixir of Life (Elixir Vitea) that would give healing and eternal life, similar to the HOLY GRAIL from the Arthurian legends. This Elixir is also a metaphor for a kundalini awakening.
Jesus hanging from a TREE (OF LIFE), which symbolizes an awakened SPINE. The seven ‘branches’ refer to the SEVEN CHAKRAS. The object with the alchemical symbols on it, in the background, refers to the THREE ENERGE CHANNELS involved in a kundalini awakening. (Hermetic Scriptures, Vincentius Koffsky, 1786)
The mermaid with wings is a personification of the kundalini energy. We can infer this, amongst others, from her GOLDEN HAIR that reaches down to her PELVIS. The POND in the form of a DOUBLE CIRCLE (click here) refers to the fusion of the polarities. (Emblèmes de Solidonius, Alchemy de Nicolas Flamel, 14th century)
The man and woman represent the SACRED MARRIAGE: the polar energies that merge in the HEAD. The SCARF of the woman, from PELVIS to HEAD, refers to the kundalini energy. (Michael Maier, Atalanta Fugiens, Emblem IV)
A representation of the alchemist’s completed MAGNUM OPUS (process of God realization). The kundalini (the CUP) has been lifted to the HEAD. The polarities (male/female) are fused. The THREE SERPENTS in the cup represent the three energy channels involved in a kundalini awakening. (Rosarium Philosophorum, 16th century)
Left: the DOUBLE CIRCLE (click here) is an alchemical symbol for the fusion of the opposites/duality (the oneness of the divine): 2=1.
The kundalini process in alchemical metaphors. The seven figures around the GRAIL represent the SEVEN classical PLANETS, which in turn represent the SEVEN CHAKRAS. (Emblèmes de Solidonius, Alchemy de Nicolas Flamel, 14th century)
The MAGNUM OLPUS (Great Work) of the alchemist in symbols. The ELIXER VITAE (elixir of life), formed from the union of the liquid essence of the SUN AND MOON (the two polar energy channels), is poured into the GRAIL CUP. On the circle it says: ‘Visit the interior of the earth (read: man) and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone’. (Viridarium Chymicum, Daniel Stolcius von Stolcenberg, 1624)
The Tarot
The tarot is a set of cards designed in Italy and France in the 15th century for recreational purposes (game form). From the very beginning, the hand-painted maps contained forbidden (‘heretical’) esoteric wisdom, as did many paintings in Christian art of the time. The entire Major Arcana (22 cards) contains references to a kundalini awakening. Click here for my articles on the symbolism in the tarot.
The Minor Arcana (today 56 cards) of the tarot is divided into: Cups, Swords, Wands and Coins (or variants thereof). Already in the 15th century, the Cups cards refer to the Holy Grail. See examples below.
Queen of Cups, Ercole d’Este tarot, 15th century. The large CUP rests on the woman’s lap (PELVIS) and reaches up to her HEAD: the path of the ascending kundalini. She sits CROSS-LEGGED (click here), this is a reference to the fusion of the polarities (2=1). Her STAFF (click here) – symbol for the awakened SPINE – is also placed on her LAP.
Queen of Cups, Tarot of Marseille by Jean Noblet, 1659. The SPIRAL SCEPTER (click here) and the CURTAIN, behind the queen, together form the path that the kundalini travels from the PELVIS, through the SPINE, via the back of the HEAD, to the PINEAL GLAND in the middle of the head. The CLOTHING of the queen contains all the colors of the first six CHAKRAS. The CUP has the shape of the pineal gland.
Page of Cups, Tarot of Marseille by Claude Burdel, 1751. The three vertical stripes on the front of the mantle represent the THREE ENERGY CHANNELS involved in a kundalini awakening. The stripes continue on the piece of fabric on top of the CUP. This completes the path the kundalini travels from the PELVIS to the HEAD. The man has taken off his hat: his CROWN CHAKRA is open. The TWO flying RIBBONS (click here) on his head are a reference to the polar energy channels.
King of Cups, Tarot of Bologna, printed in 1780 by Giacomo Zoni. The king’s hand is on his LOWER ABDOMEN, the place where the kundalini energy resides. The curious ‘flaps’ on the side of its CROWN are a reference to the wings of the CADUCEUS (see right). The DOUBLE CIRCLE (click here) on the top of the CUP is an alchemical symbol for the merger of the polarities.
Ace of Cups, Visconti-Sforza Tarot, 15th century, Milan.The FOUNTAIN in the cup is an (obvious) reference to the CADUCEUS (see left). The two WATER STREAMS represent the two SERPENTS of the staff, which in turn represent the polar ENERGY CHANNELS that flow along the SPINE. The hexagonal shape of the CUP refers to the HEXAGRAM: the classic symbol for the fusion of opposites (see left).
Ace of Cups, Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, 1909. The INVERTED M on the Ace of Cups is a mysterious detail that has kept tarot analysts wondering for more than a century: what does it mean? The M stands for the god MERCURY and refers to the water that flows from the cup. In alchemy, the kundalini energy is called MERCURIAL WATER. The inverted M indicates that we need to TURN THE CARD OVER to understand its meaning. The WATER flowing down from the cup, and the descending DOVE (Holy Spirit), both represent the rising kundalini energy.
Examples from Christian art
Throughout the ages there have always been initiates, artists and mystics who knew that Jesus was not born as ‘the Son of God’, but had experienced a kundalini awakening, after which he was one with his Divine Father. The Gospel writers have hidden this spiritual truth in their texts in inventive ways, including the use of imagery and wordplay (see my books). Because of the rigid attitude of the church, the truth could not be spoken aloud, but underground, through esoteric groups such as the Freemasons, it found its way onto the canvas.
Some artists position the HOLY GRAIL in the head, where the ascended kundalini energy changes the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid and connects man to God. Others regard the pelvis, where the kundalini resides when not yet awakened, as the Grail. And some also include the spine in hidden references to the Grail.
The HOLY GRAIL is inextricably linked with the sacred marriage: the inner fusion of the polarities (see the index page for an explanation). In many paintings with references to the HOLY GRAIL we also find the (secret) SIGN OF THE SACRED MARRIAGE (2=1) in one way or another.
THE SIGN OF THE SACRED MARRIAGE (two fingers together: 2=1) is incorporated in many paintings, in one form or another, often in combination with other esoteric symbolism. This hand gesture refers to a fusion of the polar energies/duality, and with this to a process of kundalini awakening.
Michelangelo Caravaggio. To understand the hidden meaning of this painting we must place the CUP/Holy Grail on Mary Magdalene’s skirt in her ARMS: the cup represents the kundalini in the PELVIC region. Read more in my book “Mary Magdalene, the disciple whom Jesus loved.”
Cornelis Cornelisz.van Haarlem, National Museum, Warsaw. The colors RED AND WHITE (click here) refer in alchemy to the SACRED MARRIAGE (2=1). The MIDDLE FINGER (click here) symbolizes the awakened spine.
Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno, circa 1520. With his left hand, Jesus points to his PELVIS, the place in man where the Holy Grail is located. A BURNING CANDLE is held just in front of the cup (Holy Grail) next to Jesus. This candle refers to the divine fire (kundalini) in the spine.
Hendrick Goltzius. The colors RED AND WHITE (click here) refer in alchemy to the SACRED MARRIAGE (2=1).
Bartolomeo Passarotti, 16th century. This painting links the DOVE of the Holy Spirit (the Christian name for the kundalini energy) to the ascending kundalini SERPENT, the resurrection of Jesus, and the HOLY GRAIL. The transparent SCARF that is – barely visible – wrapped around the cross, from the PELVIS to the HEAD of Jesus, also refers to the kundalini serpent.
Koptische icoon. The DOUBLE CIRCLE (click here), to the left Jesus, is an alchemical symbol for the merging of the polar energy channels/duality (SUN AND MOON): 2=1.
Giovanni Bellini
Mary Magdalene, Abraham Janssens. The colors BLACK, WHITE, YELLOW AND RED of Mary’s clothes refer to the four alchemical phases of the MAGNUM OPUS (click here). Read about her kundalini awakening in my book “Mary Magdalene, the disciple whom Jesus loved.”
The Transfiguration, Benedetto Nucci. The THREE identical CHILDREN point out the path the kundalini travels: PELVIS, SPINE, HEAD.
Konrad von Soest, Wildunger Altar. The DOUBLE CIRCLE (click here) is a symbol for the SACRED MARRIAGE. Showing just ONE LEG (click here) of the baby Jesus has the same symbolic meaning. The ROBE of the king refers to the PINEAL GLAND (click here).
The Last Communion of Saint Peter, Ottavio Vannini. Jesus points with his MIDDLE FINGER (click here), symbol for the awakened spine, at his PELVIS, and with his other hand at the CHALICE.
Plautilla Nelli (attr.), circa 1582.
Artist unknown
Charles Zacharie Landelle, 19th century.
The Cup of the Evangelist John,
Hans Memling, circa 1480.
Bernardo Benedetto, ‘Il Pintoricchio’, 1493. Click here for the STAFF as a symbol for the awakened spine. The FEMININE FEATURES of the apostle John (left) are a hidden reference to Mary Magdalene. Read about this in my book, “Mary Magdalene, the disciple whom Jesus loved.”
Artist unknown, 17th century.
Francesco Granacci
Jan Gossaert (circle of), early 16th century. The black king holds a CHALICE next to the HEAD of the Christ child, and his other hand rests on his PELVIS, the place where the kundalini starts her travel upwards. The DOUBLE CIRCLE (click here) on his thigh is an alchemical symbol for the fusion of opposites, i.e. the SACRED MARRIAGE.
Abraham Janssens. The colors BLACK, WHITE, YELLOW AND RED of the black king’s HEADDRESS refer to the four alchemical phases of the MAGNUM OPUS (click here): nigredo, albedo, citrinitas and rubedo. His NECKLACE refers to the CADUCEUS (click here). According to the Bible, Jesus receives gold from the three wise men/kings. In the open cup, however, we see GOLD AND SILVER: in alchemy they represent the polarities (SUN AND MOON): 2=1.
Read more about the KUNDALINI in the Bible in my book ‘Kundalini Awakening in the Bible’.
Rosso Fiorentino (circle of). The blood flows in the CHALICE down Jesus’ MIDDLE FINGER (click here), which symbolizes the awakened spine.