Kundalini Awakening in the Bible
Many stories, one Truth
Within all of us exists the potential for growth that enables us to make the next step in our evolution. This power source is of divine origin and spiritual traditions shared the knowledge of it only with a small group of initiated. The Yoga tradition knows this power source by the name kundalini shakti.
This book introduces the reader to the universal kundalini symbolism that appears in all world religions, and discusses the mysterious source of energy that also provides the central theme of both the Old and the New Testaments.
With many examples, Anne-Marie demonstrates that the entire Bible – from Adam and Eve up to the Book of Revelation – is essentially about a kundalini awakening.
She also shares a remarkable discovery with the reader: the gospel of John, the most mystical of the four gospels in the New Testament, is based on a spiritual journey through the seven chakras. The seven miracles, which Jesus performs, describe the specific effect of a kundalini awakening upon the first to the seventh chakra. This is an entirely new exegetical perspective. As far as is known, nothing has been previously published about this.
According to Jesus, the Pharisees had taken the “key of knowledge” away from believers. With Kundalini Awakening in the Bible it is returned to them.
“Woe to you, lawyers! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in you hindered.”
(Luke 11:52)
Anne-Marie Wegh writes books about spirituality and specializes in the symbolism of the Bible. Throughout the centuries, much of the Bible’s wealth was lost in translation. Anne-Marie is on a mission to expose the deeper layers of the Bible and share these with her readers.
‘I hope that the reader, like me, will be touched by the deeper meaning of the ancient Bible stories. The illustrations in this book are as valuable as the written word. Images can stir something in us to a depth where words can only reach with difficulty. Images are the language of our hearts and souls.’
Relevant book data
Title: Kundalini Awakening in the Bible, Many stories, one Truth
978-90-825023-7-4 (epub, € 15,95)
978-90-825023-6-7 (paperback, $ 29,95)
272 pages, full colour!
Publisher: Magdalena Publishers, the Netherlands
Publication date: March 15th 2024
The book is in full color and contains many illustrations (272 pages).
Click on the button below for the table of contents and 8 pages as a preview (PDF)
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About the author
Anne-Marie Wegh writes books about spirituality. She specializes in the symbolic imagery of the Bible. Through the centuries, much of the symbolic meaning of the Bible has been lost in translation. Her mission is to expose the deeper layer of the Bible and to share this with her readers.
Many of the Bible stories center on a process of spiritual rebirth which eastern traditions call kundalini awakening. Anne-Marie combines her insights into the deeper layers of the Bible with firsthand knowledge about this spiritual path of transformation.
In her own words:
The Bible can be regarded in several distinct ways. Many readers prefer to take the stories of the Bible literal and aim to live their lives according to the example of Jesus and the instructions he left us. Others see the Bible as a wholly human product and study it scientifically and anthropologically, or admire it as the great depository of narrative archetypes that still carries artistic expressions today. Many, however, have abandoned the Bible and seek solace in Far Eastern traditions.
I want to show you an additional and exiting way to look at the Bible. In my books you will discover amazing parallels between the stories of the Bible and the esoteric principles of other spiritual traditions. Hidden in gruesome stories about war, slavery and animal sacrifice, we find a universal roadmap to self-actualization and spiritual awakening.
The deeper layers of the Bible rise to the surface when we review the figurative and symbolic qualities of the Biblical stories. They teach us how we can realize the Kingdom of God. Not after death, somewhere in another dimension, but here and now on earth, within ourselves; how we can make of ourselves a temple for God to live in.
– Anne-Marie Wegh –