John the Baptist who became Jesus the Christ
For two thousand years John the Baptist has been seen as the one who first predicted the coming of the Messiah and then recognized Jesus as “the Lamb of God” at his baptism in the Jordan River.
John the Baptist, however, was not merely the herald of Jesus. He was Jesus. He became a Christos, an anointed one, after his process of God-realization, symbolized by his baptism in the Jordan.
He became the very Messiah for whom the Jews had waited so long. This Redeemer, however, had to answer to a great number of prophesies from the sacred Jewish Scriptures, and John the Baptist did not do so. And so the evangelists gave him, posthumously, a new name and a new identity, which refers to a character from the Old Testament: Joshua son of Nun, which, freely translated means the son of God.
This book shows how this explosive fact is cryptically woven into the gospel stories: for “those who have ears and want to hear.” And while unraveling this great secret, several other inexplicable Biblical puzzle pieces fall into place. The reader obtains insight in what the mysterious Manna was that God made to come down from heaven to feed the people of Israel during their forty year stay in the desert. The rather unbelievable story of Jonah, who emerged alive and well after three days in the belly of a great fish, will be clarified. And we’ll learn why the disciples of Jesus were told to cast their fishing net on the right side of their boats. And much more!
Through the ages there has always been a small group of initiated who guarded the secret that John the Baptist was Jesus. This book contains many paintings of old masters such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Correggio, in which this knowledge is secretly expressed.

Excellent book!
Niels Brummelman,
Chief Editor Paravisie
Relevant book data
Title: John the Baptist who became Jesus the Christ
978-90-825023-2-9 (epub, € 14,50)
978-90-834145-0-8 (paperback, $ 27,50)
208 pages
With many full color illustrations
Publisher: Magdalena Publishers, the Netherlands
Publication date: June 15th 2017
The book contains many full color illustrations (208 pages).
Click on the button below for the table of contents and 17 pages as a preview (PDF)
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This book contains many paintings of old masters
such as Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Correggio,
in which is secretly expressed that John the Baptist was Jesus.
The Holy family, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1863.
The 2=1-code in the fingers of Mary.
Diego de Sanabria, 1549.
John looks like Jesus. He is positioned in front of the cross. The banner is wrapped around his staff like a (kundalini) serpent. The rose bouquets on the foreground have the (pinecone) form of the pineal gland.
John the Baptist, by Bernardo Strozzi, 1620.
John has the Ecce Agnus Dei-banner (see the Lamb of God) in his hand and points at himself.
John the Baptist in the desert, by Domenico Veneziano, circa 1445. (Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington)
John takes off his garment of camel hair and puts on the (red) garment of Christ. The ascending mountain path, which is emphasized by the loose pebbles, represents the (narrow) way to God, which John has traveled.
About the author
Anne-Marie Wegh writes books about spirituality. She specializes in the symbolic imagery of the Bible. Through the centuries, much of the symbolic meaning of the Bible has been lost in translation. Her mission is to expose the deeper layer of the Bible and to share this with her readers.
Many of the Bible stories center on a process of spiritual rebirth which eastern traditions call kundalini awakening. Anne-Marie combines her insights into the deeper layers of the Bible with firsthand knowledge about this spiritual path of transformation.
In her own words:
The Bible can be regarded in several distinct ways. Many readers prefer to take the stories of the Bible literal and aim to live their lives according to the example of Jesus and the instructions he left us. Others see the Bible as a wholly human product and study it scientifically and anthropologically, or admire it as the great depository of narrative archetypes that still carries artistic expressions today. Many, however, have abandoned the Bible and seek solace in Far Eastern traditions.
I want to show you an additional and exiting way to look at the Bible. In my books you will discover amazing parallels between the stories of the Bible and the esoteric principles of other spiritual traditions. Hidden in gruesome stories about war, slavery and animal sacrifice, we find a universal roadmap to self-actualization and spiritual awakening.
The deeper layers of the Bible rise to the surface when we review the figurative and symbolic qualities of the Biblical stories. They teach us how we can realize the Kingdom of God. Not after death, somewhere in another dimension, but here and now on earth, within ourselves; how we can make of ourselves a temple for God to live in.
– Anne-Marie Wegh –
What readers say
I was especially impressed with your kundalini teachings and connections found within the Bible. I believe this is how we can Unite Western and Eastern religious views by finding the common ground we share. Also the sections on Elijah and Moses both being succeeded by Elisha and Joshua, and this is why they appear to Jesus on the mountain of Transfiguration, was just brilliant. I truly hope your books sells so the world can benefit from your insights and findings. Best of luck to you. And Thanks for your excellent work.
– Jared –
I am not religious, but despite having little knowledge of the bible (or perhaps because of it!) it was great fun reading. It seems to be very compelling evidence that Nazareth was not a town at the time of Jesus’s birth and that Nazeraios can be translated as being one who consecrates–therefore that both Jesus and John both (one and the same?) were baptists and enlightened.
Most interesting was just how many Kundalini metaphors you have found in stories throughout both new and old testaments. I think you have certainly made your case 100 fold. I especially love the Kundalini “translations” of the stories of Jonah and Manna from heaven. All of this is really fascinating. It always seemed to me that ALL religious founders: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, etc. were all kundalini activated. Your book rather solidifies this for me.
Maybe your book can open some eyes to other, less literal interpretations of the bible. Unfortunately, Ramana Marharshi’s statement of “Each one sees his own Self only, always and everywhere. He finds the world and God according to what he is” probably applies also to the reading of the bible.
– Hillary –
I have read your book on John the Baptist/Christ, and it definitely clarifies my own opinions, with the added acceptance of your view that John became the Christ, as an adaptation of the principle that Elija became John, Elisha the Christ etc. as reincarnations. Your conclusion is simpler and thus rings truer based on the esoteric teachings as well as the many works of art that you cite.
Thank you for a truly enlightening book and web series. I shall be rereading your book (which I read in a single sitting on the day I received it) and then comment a little more.
– Max –
I have read your book on the greatest story ever told (Matthew 11:9)! My comments? Your breathtaking work on John the Baptist who became the Christ is to me the most profound elucidation of the kundalini process I have ever encountered since I first embarked on a journey of “individuation” many years ago.
Your understanding of the enlightenment experience is superb. For example, the way you have elucidated the esoteric importance of chakra # 6 (i.e. the fusion experience or the sacred marriage).
– Samira –
I received your book and loved it! Raced through it, and now processing your interpretations. I have never been drawn to reading the bible and the knowledge I have is based on snippets picked up over the years. It just didn’t make sense to me when reading it as literal. I love symbolism ( and admittedly drive myself crazy sometimes interpreting symbolism in my life). But, I hadn’t even considered looking at the teachings of the bible symbolically. Thank you! Now, it makes sense.
– Krista –
I have read your book John the Baptist and find your style of writing and new insight on the topic very fascinating. Looking forward to reading your new book.
– Kalina –
Your book is amazing… I am so glad I found you and your work. We are remembering not learning and soon I believe all of our work will help Sync the collective memory!
– Jody –